The Market Shift to Remote Work

Being cloud-based, Salesforce positions are uniquely positioned to work remotely. Prior to the pandemic, many candidates we spoke with were highly prioritizing and considering remote work. With the pandemic forcing companies to allow their workers to work remotely, now many can’t imagine commuting to an office five days a week. With so many opportunities in the Salesforce ecosystem, candidates have plenty of options. 

While there are concerns around remote work, including a decrease in informal interactions and a potential impact on company culture, there are also many benefits.

Surprisingly, employee productivity increased. With fewer in-office distractions and the elimination of commute at the forefront, many people worked more hours or worked more efficiently. A Mercer study found that 94% of employees were similarly, if not more productive while working remotely. 

The transition to remote work is inevitable to retain and attract employees, but how can employers effectively implement a remote work environment?

  • Build teams that have at least a 4-hour overlap in their workday

  • Create employee recognition platforms to acknowledge the successes of remote team members

  • Create opportunities for regular informal and formal check-ins

  • Focus on output, rather than hours worked

  • Use video rather than audio calls for face to face interactions/team meetings

  • Collect employee feedback and make changes

  • Use digital tools for employees to collaborate

  • Have clear expectations and defined targets

  • Create opportunities for virtual socializing

As true always, and especially in tech, if you don’t keep up with the changes, you’ll be left behind. The market shift is clear, which side of the trend will you be on?


  1. Maurer, Roy. “Study Finds Productivity Not Deterred by Shift to Remote Work.” SHRM, SHRM, 6 July 2021, 

  2. Lund, Susan, et al. “What's next for Remote Work: An Analysis of 2,000 Tasks, 800 Jobs, and Nine Countries.” McKinsey & Company, McKinsey & Company, 3 Mar. 2021, 

Digital Workplace. “What Is Remote Work Culture?: 6 Ideas to Build a Remote Team Culture.” Kissflow, 20 Aug. 2021,