Midwest Dreamin’ and WITness Success 2022: A Recap

Written by Senior Consultant, Kaitlyn Wilde

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending my first Salesforce conference(s), Midwest Dreamin’ and WITness Success, with my colleague Hannah Miller! At these conferences, I was finally able to meet individuals in person that I have met virtually over the last year and a half and meet plenty of new faces as well.


Midwest Dreamin’ packed the third floor of Hyatt Regency with sponsors and attendees at all levels of Salesforce experience. We had a crazy two days of meeting Salesforce professionals and talking with them about their career goals, as well as who we are at Hireforce. One of the things that stuck out to me at this conference was meeting all the people newer to the Salesforce Ecosystem and offering them advice on how to expand their experience and get their foot in the door!


Along with meeting some awesome Salesforce professionals, we were in close proximity with some awesome product companies, shout out to Bryce Benveniste and Nora Gardner for being our sponsor neighbors and giving Hannah and I some Spekit swag! We were also able to get to know the Mogli team; I loved how they brought their #NetZero mission to the conference to help offset the footprint of everyone’s trip! 


MWD had some excellent sessions; Hannah and I were able to attend a few of them including Advanced Reporting Tips and Tricks for New Admins with Aaron Crear and Justin Maguire’s opening keynote on bridging business strategy with design!


Fast forward to WITness Success, WOW! What an awesome two days to get to know some incredibly strong women in the ecosystem; this conference was not what I expected (in the best way possible!). Big shout out to the 10k team for hosting the Allies Dinner, especially Nick Hamm, who did an awesome job moderating the event. It was eye-opening (to say the least) to hear the women’s stories; the attendees were also even given the opportunity to speak up on topics they felt compelled to speak on. An influential salesforce professional we loved seeing on the panel was Jeanne Moeller. Both Hannah and I got to know Jeanne better throughout both conferences and hear about her journey in the Salesforce Ecosystem.


WITness also had some great sessions; Hannah and I were able to attend Katie Kodes’ session Words Just CAN Express How Qualified You Are which was super interactive! We also went to Fully Known: The Journey from Worker Bee to Strategic Resource with Becky Willis; this was an insightful session because she walked the audience through how to feel more fulfilled in your role and If you aren’t feeling fulfilled, where do you go from there. She instilled in the audience the value of knowing your worth and incorporating it into all aspects of your life.


My new puppies Tank and Tito would also like to thank Breadwinner for their collapsible water bowls (even though they haven’t grasped it’s for them to drink water out of yet), shout out from Maggie to Spekit for her octopus and lastly, Levi would also like to thank Cirrus Insight for his unicorn, he takes it everywhere! 🐶