Mastering Remote Networking: Building Connections from Anywhere

In today's digital age, the Salesforce Ecosystem constantly evolves, and networking has become a vital component of career success. While traditional in-person events and meetups are valuable, remote networking has gained significant importance. Whether you're an aspiring Salesforce professional, a seasoned rockstar, or an entrepreneur looking to leverage Salesforce for your business, mastering remote networking is a skill that can open doors, create opportunities, and enrich your journey. Let’s explore some effective strategies for growing your Salesforce network while remote!

  • Leverage Social Media and Professional Development Programs

    1. Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Trailblazer Groups, GitHub, and various cohorts are goldmines for Salesforce professionals. Set up a profile and ensure it is complete and up to date - brag about your increasing skills, hard-earned experiences, and interests!

    2. Learned something new? ADD IT! Did you get a new certification? ADD IT!

    3. Join Salesforce-focused groups, communities, and forums. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and share your expertise to establish your presence in the digital Salesforce community.

  • Participate in Virtual Events

    1. Many tech conferences and events, including the ever-popular Dreamforce, have transitioned to include virtual formats. Seek out and attend Salesforce-specific webinars, workshops, and online summits to connect with Salesforce experts, other Trailblazers, peers, and potential employers.

    2. Engage in the event's chat, Q&A sessions, and social media discussions to make your presence noticeable.

    3. Post-virtual events, try connecting on LinkedIn with anyone you meet. Send a quick message noting how fun the event was and how you’d like to keep in touch! This could foster a long-lasting relationship, mentorship, and many interesting conversations.

  • Contribute to Open Source Projects

    1. Contributing to open-source Salesforce projects is a great way to showcase your proficiency and collaborate with others. Platforms like GitHub are ideal for finding open-source projects.

    2. Collaborating on these types of projects not only enhances your technical skills and keeps you up to date on advancing techniques but also connects you with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Salesforce technology.

  • Utilize Salesforce Trailblazer Community and Online Communities

    1. The Trailblazer Community is a hub for Salesforce professionals to connect, collaborate, and learn. Look for Salesforce events in your area or in your field of interest and register for them – a lot of them are virtual events these days! Engage in discussions, seek guidance, and contribute your Salesforce knowledge to the community.

      1. These virtual events provide a great opportunity to meet Salesforce enthusiasts who share your passion for the Ecosystem. Don't be shy; introduce yourself during the event in conversation or the chat feature, and follow up with any connections you make on LinkedIn or other social platforms.

    2. Salesforce-focused forums and online communities like the Salesforce Stack Exchange, Reddit's Salesforce subreddit, and specialized Salesforce Slack channels offer a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities.

    3. Actively participate in these Salesforce communities by helping others, sharing your experiences, and asking thoughtful questions. Over time, you'll become a recognized and respected member of the Salesforce community.

  • Networking One-on-One

    1. Using LinkedIn, reach out to Salesforce professionals whose work you admire or who hold positions you aspire to within the Ecosystem. Send a polite and concise message explaining your interest in their expertise and see if they might be interested in sharing their experiences via chat, Zoom, or meeting up if you’re in the same city!

    2. Building one-on-one connections can be immensely valuable, providing you with mentorship, insights, and potential collaborations.

  • Follow Up and Stay Connected

    1. After making connections, follow up! Share relevant content, offer your expertise, or just check in to see how they're doing in their Salesforce journey.

    2. Maintaining these connections over time is crucial for nurturing relationships and ensuring they remain meaningful in the context of Salesforce technology.

In the Ecosystem, remote networking has become a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. As you embrace these strategies, remember that networking isn't just about what others can do for you but what you can offer to the community as well. Be genuine, helpful, and open to learning from other Trailblazers. With patience and consistent effort, you'll find that the tech industry, especially the Salesforce community, is a welcoming and supportive space, even in the digital realm.