Tips and Tricks for Work-From-Home Parents

While there are a number of working parents, especially those in the tech industry, who have experienced years of remote work, there has been a significant shift in recent years due to the unprecedented impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This sudden shift meant many parents who were previously commuting to work found themselves working from home with a new additional challenge - balancing their work with caring for their children.


Now there are many benefits that work-from-home arrangements provide. For example, remote work has given parents much more flexibility within their schedules, allowing more time to be spent with their children and families. Many parents have reported feeling more connected with their children, having the opportunity to drive them to and from school, sharing more meals with them, and overall being more present with them.


Additionally, working from home has removed the need for long commutes, allowing parents to save time and money on transportation. It has also led to a reduction in the carbon footprint associated with commuting, as well as a reduction in traffic congestion.


Now that the impact of the pandemic has significantly receded three years later, these work-from-home arrangements have remained for many workers. Although there are many benefits, it is important to note that remote work is not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are many challenges and added stressors that can come with this arrangement. Let’s explore some tips for successfully balancing work and parenting from the comfort of your home.


Create a Schedule

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest benefits of working from home is the ability to set your own schedule. However, it can be easy to let your work and personal life blend together without structure. To avoid this, create a schedule that outlines your work hours and blocks of time dedicated to your children. Plan important calls or meetings when your older children are in school or your younger children are taking naps. Be aware of your “non-negotiable” times. Make sure to communicate this schedule with your family so they know when you are available and when you are working. This allows you to be fully present and focused during each respective time block.


Set Boundaries

Working from home can make it difficult to disconnect from work since everything is in one location. It is essential to set boundaries to avoid burnout and to ensure you have time for your family. This could mean setting a specific time each day to log off, turning off work notifications during family time, or having a designated workspace that you leave when you're done working. These are all helpful in creating a situation that most resemble actually leaving an office for the day to return home.


Plan Activities

When your work and home life merges, it can be easy to neglect one or the other. Plan activities for your children to ensure they are still getting the attention they need. It could be something as simple as taking a walk around the neighborhood or doing a craft together. During busier work days, try simply moving your equipment outside to allow yourself some fresh air while your children play outdoors. Having these planned activities can give you a mental break from work and help you recharge.


Utilize Technology

Technology can be a lifesaver for work-from-home parents. Use video conferencing tools or message platforms like Slack to stay in touch with colleagues and attend virtual meetings. You can also use apps and websites to keep your children entertained, such as educational apps or online games. Just make sure to set limits on screen time so they don't spend all day in front of a screen.


Practice Self-Care

This is something that undoubtedly every parent wishes they can do more. Being a working parent allows for very little personal time. It is easy to get caught up in work and parenting responsibilities and neglect your own needs. Practicing self-care is essential to avoid burnout and maintain your mental and physical health. Take time to work this into your schedule. This could mean taking breaks throughout the day to stretch, meditate, exercise, or schedule time for hobbies and activities you enjoy. Additionally, practicing self-care might also just mean letting go of hard days. Not every day is going to go as planned. Your children might get sick, your toddler refuses to nap, or your babysitter cancels unexpectedly. Give yourself grace and allow yourself to re-prioritize to fit the new needs of the day. When it is over, let it go and move on to the next day.


Being a work-from-home parent can be challenging, but it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience with the right strategies in place. You can successfully balance your work and family life while working from home by creating a schedule, setting boundaries, planning activities, utilizing technology, and practicing self-care.